Do You Have a Personal Cabin at Your Office? You Need to Read This!

광고 If you are one of the lucky few who have a personal cabin at their work place, then this article is meant for you. Having your own personal cabin not only means that you are a high ranked official, it also means that you are in a position of power. Not only do you have the luxury of a private space, you have the authority to maintain it how you please as well. Your cabin reflects your tastes, preferences and ideologies and therefore, it goes without saying, that its decor speaks volumes about the kind of person you are Incense.

While talking about the decor of a cabin, there are a number of things to bear in mind. However, before you start with anything, it would be a good idea to consult your office management as while some offices are very lenient when it comes to personal cabin decor, some may have objection to certain things. Hence, it would be advisable to check the company guidelines so as to remove any ambiguity.

The walls of your cabin should preferably be either painted in a sober pastel shade or covered with a beautiful wall paper. As it is an official setting, nothing loud and overtly bright would do. Remember, subtlety is the key. However, several things such as inspirational paintings, motivational messages, performance boosting quotations, awards and achievements etc., could be put up to adorn the walls. Even the company logo and color scheme could be put to good use in decorating the walls.

When it comes to the furniture, nothing but the most comfortable and practical would do. As your desk would obviously have to accommodate a computer,a telephone and even some other office equipment, it should be of a decent size. Also it should have a number of drawers and storage compartments for neatly arranging files, stationery and other necessary office essentials. The chair, on the other hand, should not only be comfortable but should provide good back support as well. Due to the long hours spent in the office, a good quality chair is a must. Regarding the arrangement of the furniture, your desk should always face the door.This will provide you a clear view of your cabin;give you an opportunity to instantly greet people who come in to meet you and help you easily communicate with your colleagues as well.

Proper and adequate lighting is also of utmost importance. If you are unhappy with the current lighting solutions provided, you could always put up a table lamp on your desk for an improved effect. Also try to keep the blinds on your window rolled up or open, as natural light would add a wonderful touch of brightness and positivity to your cabin. Another thing that can add a lot of positivity to your personal official space are plants. Many people tend to ignore and often forget the importance of plants in our life. However, from time to time we must remind ourselves that trees and plants are the very source of our life. They are the ones that provide us with the air that keeps us alive – oxygen, and therefore, if you have enough room, you must put up a couple of indoor plants in your cabin. Their greenery will fill your room with freshness, peace and vitality. A large variety of indoor plants, in various species and sizes,are easily available in the market and hence selecting the ones appropriate for your cabin wouldn’t be too difficult.

Yet another wonderful thing that could add an absolutely wonderful feel to your private off