There may be various different reasons of this disease such as unhealthy diet, increased use of refrigeration, family history, etc. Since stomach is divided into five parts, it can develop in any part and there may be different symptoms and consequences. Most of the researchers claim that this type of cancer gradually grows and most often proceeded by the growth of precancerous cells and spreads to the organs of the body including lungs, liver, bones, and so on in various different ways such as through blood, lymphatic system, passing into intestine or esophagus.
Following are some of the symptoms of stomach cancer:
Fatigue and weakness
Loss of appetite and weight
Vomiting and nausea
Gas, belching, heartburn, and regurgitation
Abdominal fullness
Black and tarry stools
Anemia because of gastrointestinal bleeding
Let’s now discuss treatments of this type of cancer. It may be treated with radiation therapy, surgery, chemotherapy, and others. Since radiation therapy is a local cancer treatment in that high energy x-rays are delivered to the tumor as well as healthy tissue surrounding it to damage cancer cells. Delivering a high-dose of energy x-rays modifies the hereditary makeup of cancer cells and therefore it doesn’t let them reproduce. Chemotherapy is another treatment option that involves administering potent chemical drugs for killing the cancer cells. Other than these treatment options, surgery is another stomach cancer treatment option that is used in order to remove the tumor and evaluating the stage and rigorousness in the body of the patien